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Fear of Learning New Things

32256217_sHave you ever run into someone that is afraid of learning or trying new things? From the simplest of only going to a couple of restaurants and ordering the same thing every time. At work, maybe it is a person that is unwilling to learn the new operating software for their job. Or worst yet, it is a person in a “leadership position unwilling to learn how to lead.  Fear of new things: An irrational fear of anything new, of innovation, of new situations, places, or things. When I was doing some basic resource about being afraid, I found that there is a name for this fear – neophobia. All phobias are unreasonable sorts of fear that can cause avoidance and panic.

How do you deal with this? At work –  I guess you could simple say, “learning or using this new software is a condition of employment.” Depending on the anxiety of the person – I really don’t think that it will change the overall situation any. At home – maybe you keep trying to help with teaching and demonstrating the how something new works with little results. Makes your frustration level go sky high. This stuff really is not that difficult (in your opinion).

How do you overcome this – as the person that is trying to help those that are struggling?

  • Try to uncover the root fear or the why they are unwilling to try. Dust off the listening skills! Since we are not afraid of doing the task or learning something new – it will be hard for us to completely understand the fears. Write them down! Look for those fears that you can help remove an obstacle for. Look for ways to help coach the person through them. Somethings some of the fears will not be something that you can help with. Just acknowledge it.
  • Set up a project plan and break down the tasks. Making it simple and easier to digest will help you and the person with the fear. Don’t try to do everything all at once. Spend time on the simplest tasks and build up to where you really know when the fear is going to kick in. Getting comfortable with the simple task can help with confidence moving forward (hopefully).
  • Get support… Sometimes you may not be the best person for helping with learning a new task for that person. Look to see if there is someone that can help that is a better fit for the particular person. Maybe a trusted friend or co-worker can help them conquer their fear. The best people at right there, if you let them help out.
  • Take breaks. When the frustration and anxiety is building – sometimes it is best to walk away. Take a breathe and calm down. That goes for all parties.
  • Celebrate success. I say this every time after you succeed in your goals. Maybe I like to have a celebration too much. I truly believe that a simple milestone of celebration after a very difficult goal, task or time – is the best medicine for keeping moving forward. Plus it is fun!

What happens when nothing works? This truly is the million dollar question that has many different answers. Depending on the situation, you may have to tell the person that they must learn the new stuff in order to be employed further. That is the extreme. Maybe you have to recognize that something new should not be given to someone due to their extreme reluctance to learn how to use or do something. Even when the person is asking for or truly needs that new something. We all must try… But, that results may vary a lot.

Image via – Copyright: astragal / 123RF Stock Photo


Published inObservations

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