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Rekindle Work Passion

17333485_sHave you ever felt in a rut at work? Felt just plain tired of the day to day grind at work? Struggle to get excited to go to work? You are not alone. There are plenty of people that have a reduced fire for the job from time to time. It happens… It happened from time to time for me.

The good and great folks know how to recognize and rekindle their passion for work. Below are some of the approaches that I took to spark my passion for work.

  • What is the root of the problem? Take a long and serious look at why you have lost the passion you once had. Is it something that is going wrong at work? Is it something that you are doing? Nothing is scared! Take the time to write down at the end of the day, where were the energy drainers throughout the day. Writing it down helps to identify patterns or activities. Next up to not sabotaging yourself with analyzing the data. Be careful to point to someone or something else. It is your passion… Maybe you need a new meaning within the work environment.
  • Take a vacation! It is best to take a rest from the work, while you are looking for solutions to rekindling your passion at work. Getting away helps to clear you mind. It also allows you the opportunity to re-energize.
  • Mix it up. It is so easy to fall into the same routine. How many times have you set a path and fallen back into that same rut? If you want to change the situation, you have to change many other things. Don’t be afraid to try things, even if they don’t work. Some of those attempted changes may just hit the spot on your passion.
  • Mentor. Become a mentor to someone new. Helping someone new to start in their work, reminds you of back awhile ago of your activities. It is an effective way for you to observe, discuss and demonstrate when you were at your best. I would also say that you should go out and get a mentor. You are not the first person to go through the ups and downs in your career. It would be great to discuss this with someone else. They may seen or done something that could potentially help you.

Are there some that you do that work well?

Bottomline: We all go through the ups and downs. The folks that can recognize and address quickly, are those folks that we want on our team. You have to be that leader and coach (but most importantly, the quickest to address).

Image via – Copyright: sittipong / 123RF Stock Photo

Published inLeadershipObservations

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