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What is a High School Security Guard?

Sometimes you have to go back to the beginning and revisit what you were supposed to do and maybe compare it to what you actually do.

Reaching out to the job description helps some. Below you will see the written version!

  • Patrols district buildings and grounds to prevent substance abuse, fighting, theft, vandalism, and illegal entry and exit
  • Learns names of individual students in order to assist with campus control
  • Confronts unauthorized persons for questioning; routes or detains them; calls police for assistance according to emergency action plan
  • Reports any unusual conditions or malfunctioning of heating, plumbing or electrical systems
  • Patrols school grounds to detect and require correction of unauthorized and improperly parked vehicles
  • Makes written reports of security violations
  • Directs and controls vehicle traffic on district property when necessary
  • Assists staff with student conduct
  • Performs related duties as requested
  • Performs all duties in a safe and prudent manner as directed
  • You can work lots of overtime covering sporting events, plays, dances, club activities and pretty much anything else the school would need help!

The perform related duties as requested…. Let’s focus on this one. A high school security guard is much more. Many of them act as counselors for students and staff. Many of them befriend students to provide mentorship. Many of them are a safe ear to listen and not judge the student. Pretty much being an adult role model when needed.

Being a good security guard is much more than standing and acting when necessary. When you are in your positions observing and listening, you need to be watching closely for trends and those out of the ordinary items. You need to be listening to stuff among the hundreds in the hallway. You will learn things before they happen. Is there a student in trouble? Are there students that are going to get into trouble? Is a particular student acting no like their normal self? Can you see and hear things that make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up? The job is filled with much more!

Some of the items they don’t tell you about is; the bathrooms are going to be busier than you could ever imagine. Some students are in there every class period or more. Much more than using the facilities goes on in there. I have seen vaping, drugs, fighting, sleeping, phone usage like watching videos or texting their friends and just a breakroom to hang out. Applying being observant I noticed within the first couple of days, the same students show up together (from different classrooms) and spend 10 mins or so in the bathroom. Being the new guy, the students figured that they could get away with whatever they were doing in there. Did one of my spot checks – I caught them vaping. Did not take long before word got out that this new guy does his job!

I have been asked many times about what is it like to be a high school security guard. I would always say, “it’s like society as a whole. We have 2-4% of the students that are always in trouble or are frequent fliers. About 10% of the students are truly amazing. The rest go about business without fanfare or need very little assistance. I truly enjoy doing the role.”

Published inDay in the Life

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