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Mid-Week Pondering: If I Was Running For Office

30437438_sI have made a lot of small Facebook political posts and many folks wrote back that I need to run for political office.   For me, I never thought that this would be my calling in life. I have a tendency to get frustrated with stupid people. I don’t have patience for fighting and arguing about nothing. I am not afraid to look for a third alternative in order to move forward! Which probably makes me not a good candidate to get stuff done in politics.

When I vote – I try to write down the important things to me and see which candidates views will closely align to what I think should work.  So, here are my thoughts. They are what I think.. Maybe not what you believe.  I only put in writing those things that I feel are important. I do not want to talk about religion, sexual orientation, abortion or what bathroom you use. I believe people should be able to make choices.  Having the government in our daily lives is not the answer. It is amazing how social issues are many folks focus. There are much more important issues.


Government Spending…

The debt is just plain obscene! If we were to run our live’s like this – we could file for bankruptcy many times over. Oh wait, Donald Trump has done that very thing 4’s. We all know that the  years of deficit spending that have created our debt crisis rests squarely with BOTH the Republicans and the Democrats. The debt doubled under President George W. Bush — and doubled again under President Obama. With no real actions to get to a balanced budget (each side fighting each other does not help).

We need no more excuses. We need real action to get to a balanced budget! Simple answer – the political leadership will work for free until a balance budget is implemented.

Term Limits…

This is something that should have been done long ago. When the country first thought about the presidency – they imposed term limits. Why? Well, they missed the boat on the “other” elected folks. We are all angry in one way or another about what is happening in Washington, DC. We have folks that have been in Congress for 40+ years. These folks are supposed to represent “US.” How can they represent us, if they have not been one of us for so long. I strongly feel that term limits should be 2 terms only. They must sit out 1 term. Treat this like a sabbatical and learn what is going, what people are struggling with and get to understand what is really going on.  Then we can review their overall record for their 2 terms and look at how they spent their 1 term off. Then we can vote accordingly based on their performance.

No more career politicians!


It really is not funny to look at how much the average person pays versus the wealthy folks. Our tax code today is not working. Look at the percentages that are paid in versus the income that they have? Doe we see a huge problem there? It is time for a change. A big change. Enough of having a tax code that is over 10’s of thousands of pages long. Time for us to accept a flat tax based on your income. I know this is not popular.

Everyone should pay their own fair share! If that means a flat tax by income – so be it. Make it simple and fair.


When was the last time that our government created jobs? Real jobs? Government does not create jobs. Entrepreneurs, growing companies and a robust economy create jobs. We need to help develop those three items to make sure that jobs happen in the US. Time to reduce the financial burdens on the entrepreneurs and growing companies. Give them an opportunity to continue to create jobs. We need to make our jobs market a magnet – time to step up for radical change. How about eliminating income taxes on businesses? I bet that would stop some businesses from sending their stuff overseas. Especially if they could get that income taxes eliminated if they stay home and increase jobs.

Tariffs on goods will not work. Time to keep jobs here – help businesses make that happen!


It is amazing how angry folks get about this topic. Did we forget where our first person in our family line came from? I am not in favor of building walls. Let’s face it, that will not stop those that really want to get in. It only brings bigger ladders and deeper tunnels. Having our military and border patrols increasing to stop the illegal crossing has helped so much. Our Congress today has done little to really reform our immigration laws. Let’s spend some time cleaning that up. Make it a fast and solid vetting process to let people in. If we have folks that have come here illegally then we need to ship them back home. Come here a second, third or whatever – then we simply charge that countries government for them.

Keeping everyone out is not the answer. We have to insure our safety. Building a wall is the stupidest answer yet. A fast and solid vetting process to insure our safety on our lands is a strong start.

Health Care…  

The ugliest of topics for most folks. Obama Care from the Republicans and the Affordable Care Act from the others – has been a lightning rod for decision and debate. It is time to stop wasting time. It is time to say every American should have health care. It is time to limit the profit that insurance companies can raise. It is time to develop a free market for Americans to purchase the health insurance that they want and need. Stop having everyone helping  pay for others. We need to have affordable health care. We need to stop the red tape that goes with health care.  Insurance companies have way too much control when setting price, what is payable and what is not covered. Health care is like a three legged stool – you have insurance companies is one leg, health care providers are the second and people as the third leg. It all has to be equal to function.

Affordable free market health care for all. With that comes controls over the insurance companies profits. They need to be a part of the solution. Limited profits (means not increasing costs to people) – it means reducing their costs (remove red tape, solid and fast processes for health care providers).

There is no perfect answer to each issue. My take is just me having done some research, thinking about what could be doable and starting somewhere. We have to expect from our political leadership some real answers. Not just saying no to someone’s ideas.  If you don’t like that idea. Then what is your answer. We have to demand a third alternative in order to move forward. Lastly, I am sick and tired of our political folks wasting time on small petty issues. Many of the debates I hear going on – happen to fall on some pretty small items. It seems like a smoke screen to the “real” issues. Let’s stay focused on fixing the big ones!

Thanks! Steve

Image via – Copyright: catalin205 / 123RF Stock Photo

Published inObservations

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