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Making Productivity Increase

37320062_sA couple of weeks ago, I was working with a client on how he can get his company to increase their overall productivity. Just about every company is attempting to do more with less. Many businesses today are looking into streamlining steps or removal of unnecessary work. The busier we all seem to get the harder it is to get more work done. Hence comes the dreaded “productivity” word.

When employees hear we are going to work on our productivity, what are they thinking? Here we go again, we will have to do more with less; are they trying to squeeze blood from a stone; or there is not enough hours in the day to get what I already have to do done. The thought of working on increasing productivity – is just plain scary.

When the management team hears we are working on productivity, they hear. Finally we can get more out of our people; our bonus’ will finally be where they need to be; or this has to happen or we all will be out of work, soon.

What everyone needs to think about is the few factors that go into productivity; time management, positive workplace and effective leadership. Here are some simple things to think about the next time you want to increase productivity:

Work Smarter, Not Harder

I know we all have heard this before. In the past, I have had some employees skip their breaks in order to think they were getting more done. That break away from the can actually renew and help you focus better.

Another area to think about is just bringing in technology to help increase productivity – could actually have the reverse effect. It takes time for technology to actually increase productivity. Better have a problem that you are trying to solve with technology. Better have a work force that is not afraid of technology. Better train properly the usage of the technology and how it will truly make things better. Make sure to listen to the team – they are truly going to tell you what they think through performance and adoption.


Staying focused on the most important tasks is extremely important for each person. Sometimes delegating the tasks to the right level will insure that the workflow is moving smoother. It is just a better use of everyone’s time.

Create a “to do” list

Here is where I will stress that writing down everything that needs to get done, could cause you or your team a feeling of being overwhelmed. For me, I like to have the most important items in groups of 3. Work on those 3 before moving onto the next 3. Keeping a running list is good, but only truly looking at the top 3 and staying focused on those until they are completed, will help.

Multi-tasking is a drain on success

All to often I hear people tell me that they are very good at multi-tasking. In this day and age, we have a ton of ways to multi-task and frankly they are usually nothing more than a distraction of completing the most important tasks. Most people that have 2 jobs usually are not with the same company. Have to stay focused!

Any way you slice increasing productivity you have to look inward first. What can “I” do better to make sure that the company or organization is doing to be successful. Using these simple tips will help.

Is there something you do?

Image via – Copyright: bonumopus / 123RF Stock Photo


Published inNew To ManagementObservations

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