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What Makes Up Good Work Ethic?

In all my years of interviewing or being interviewed, I never been asked that question until today! What makes up a good work ethic to me? Now that was a very good question. I try to stay up on just about everything someone will ask me. I never expected that question.

Here was the answer that I gave to the interviewer.. A good work ethic has a few characteristics or principles that I believe a person needs to bring to the table.

Honesty – or integrity… People need to be able to trust you. You have to speak and act alike. Never being dishonest or making up stories to just make a person leave. Honesty is the best policy.

Responsibility – I have always written about standing up and taking responsibility for you words and actions as a leader. I think it is a strong sense of personal responsibility in the workplace that gives each person a sense of wealth to any task.

Discipline – Doing what you say you are going to do. When you said it and how you said it! Being on-time to work, meetings, project deadlines and whatever else is asked of you.

Quality – Every task should be done with quality in mind. Never short change your customers or yourself by cutting corners.

Teamwork – no one ever does anything by themselves anymore. There usually is a team to help accomplish expectations. Everyone plays a part, an important part. Thinking like the lone wolf will only make you lonely.

After looking at these again.. I think back to many of the teams that I have lead. I used to say, “sign your work.” When you look at honesty, responsibility, discipline, quality and teamwork – it steps to signing your work. Be proud of what you have done, sign it! Your company will be thankful for your efforts.

Published inLeadershipObservations

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