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Wednesday Wow

Warning… Warning…

5767779_sLet this be your warning that the following post is of a heavy nature. It is on subjects that have been in the news and is based on my opinions and thoughts on these stories. I want to first communicate that I don’t normally post, but I am a concerned on-looker of how the world is changing. We all know that information comes at us fast and with the ease of just opening an app. Spend anytime listening to the radio and you get another version. If you happen to watch the news (and it depends on which news station)… you get the point.

Starts with which way is your morale compass pointing?

  • Domestic Violence – there is no way that you have missed the latest and greatest in the NFL. Almost everywhere the video of Ray Rice and his finance (now wife) in the elevator flashes to mind. All to sadly, this is nothing new… Domestic violence has been a problem for a long time. The video has put a face and actions to the forefront. When we see stuff – we react – usually in our truest form. When we read about stuff – we usually react but no way as verbal or expressive as pictures (or video). There has been so much talk about this one. My initial thoughts are simple. There is no way and in no circumstance that a man should strike a woman. Would you hit your mother? There is no excuse… I have a daughter and I know how I would feel if some man hit her… It is just plain wrong and needs to stop! There are no excuses for this behavior. Just think of what people will think of your character if they knew you were an abuser? How do you want to be remembered?
  • Disciplining of your children – I was just asked my opinion on Adrian Peterson and such. Hum… in the day I can remember a few discipline sessions. I grow up with it. I may have on occasion done some with my kids. Definitely not a fan of corporal punishment. Some say if kids were disciplined more the world would better. I say, if parents tried not to be friends with their kids, set expectations and used proper discipline – the world would be better.  Not everything that was done during the time I grew up was right or works today. For those that use the phrase – it worked for me and I turned out okay, ask some else how well you turned out. Each generation has its good, bad and ugly. We have evolved in some ways and have not in other ways.
  • Political Ads – oh where to start… How many times are we going to be hit with ads that are negative towards the opponent? I know that it is a way to put doubt in the minds of the voters. Negative campaigning has been around as long as news and television. Now it is getting to the point that there is more of that, than the actual candidates sharing their agendas. Have you ever looked at who paid for those ads? It is so funny to see that the opponents of each other, say, “it was not me!”, but the it was their political party that paid for the ad. Hey, you rep the party! They are helping you get elected…. It is about time that a national scorecard be developed for each candidate – something that demonstrates their voting history, stance on the issues, how they are going to address the problems and so on. We need to really have an easier way to see if what a candidate says is what they do. The biggest item for us as voters is to get educated on the candidates. Understand the issues and how the candidate is going to address them. Look for no plan, a weak plan or a plan that basically can not get implemented… Those plans all suck! We need realistic approaches to fixing the issues…

Are there more? Yes.. This is enough for one post… I will see by comments/likes and overall views to see if this is something I should continue… Just let me know you want to see more like this… Or not!

Imaging via – Copyright: frugo / 123RF Stock Photo

Published inObservations

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