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Where is Personal Responsibility Going?

I have been debating with myself to post this or not… Let me first warn everyone that this is a post that going to highlight something that I am afraid is starting to go missing in our society (in my humble opinion). We have to get it back!  What is it? Personal Responsibility! Maybe I am being a bit harsh. Maybe the problem is not as bad as I think…

When you think of personal responsibility what is the first thing that comes to your head?  Most folks told me “Blame” or switching it to who’s responsibility is it? Think about that for a moment.. Blame and who’s else’s is at fault. Really? It is time to reposition that thought. Personal responsibility is the ability to respond – yourself. Going out and creating what you want through personal choices. The fundamental responsibility that each of us has is that we are completely, 100% responsible for how our lives or what we are doing  turn out.

Do you know of a person that will never take personal responsibilities for their actions? Blame someone or something else rather than step up and take responsibility. It is easy to play the victim role.  I have always told me employees and students that you control what you do. Go out and do your best. I like to use the example, “when you do something would you sign your name to the bottom of it?”

I believe there are lots of situations where we have control of how we control.  I think the lines of what we control are getting squeeze. When I was teaching students, they would tell me that they are not allowed to do that. When I said, “who says?” They would point the finger to someone else. I asked, “is someone going to get hurt?” “What rules are we breaking?” After a few moments of silence, I asked, “you afraid to try?” My point was usually understood. Go out and get it done!

I believe that improving ones personal responsibility can be taught. I learned it over my younger years from my parents, teachers and coaches. As I got older, new people would help me learn and practice my personal responsibility. I felt like I had to pass onto the players I coached, employees I led, the students I taught or my children – that they control much more than they are letting on to. Teachable moments are everywhere…

How can we do better? Practice… Remember, responsibility is the ability to respond. I respond to everything that is affecting my life.  How I respond to it is mine! With every situation, take a moment to think about how you are going to respond before you respond. It doesn’t matter if the situation is at work or in your private life. Don’t point the blame on someone else. Don’t pass the buck. I have seen or read many scenarios in the area of education. The other day, a group of us were joking about when we were in grade school and the teacher called home. We knew we were in trouble. Never did our parents ever think that another adult was at fault. Today, there is a different dynamic going on. We have read about parents suing for their child’s diploma even through the student did not complete the required work to graduate. Or another familiar scenario, teacher calls or emails parents that their child is not doing what they are supposed to in school (behavior, homework, whatever). Instantly the teacher is put on the defensive, like they did something to cause the problem. Those are excellent opportunities to share the teachable moments of how personal responsibility should go. Instead, we put blame on someone else.. Never yourself.

It is time for personal responsibility to improve. Step Up! Take your responsibility. And don’t forget to sign your work.

Published inObservations

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