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My “Days” Without My Smartphone

This past Saturday, my smartphone needed a software update that for some reason failed with a critical error. Simple solution for the service people was to say it needed a warranty replacement. Since it was late Saturday night, I would get one shipped out Monday for overnight delivery to me on Tuesday. My first thought was no big deal… Well, it is a frickin big deal. It plain sucked not having my smartphone.

Here is the laundry list of stuff I missed…

  • I have more phone numbers stored on my smartphone from my personal directory. That when I needed to make a couple of calls (unlisted numbers) during the day at work, I did not have the numbers. Getting them after hours only meant I will have to wait 24 hours.
  • Using unplanned time (or stealing time) for many things.. You know those times you are stuck in traffic, the supermarket, shopping or sitting at home and don’t want to fire up the PC.
    • Emails – this is a great way to get the inbox under some control. Filling empty time with answering email. Or giving someone the answer to their question.
    • Facebook – nothing like keeping family and friends up on your doings. Or finding out what is happening with them.
    • Twitter – those random thoughts that pop into your head. Or those weird things that are happening out in the world that need to be shared. There is much that happens that is not planned.
    • LinkedIn– since I am busy looking for employment after my retirement, I had 3 days without any instant contact. I don’t plan time to sit down and review LinkedIn and the groups I follow.
  • Foursquare– No checkin’s over the past 3 days. I was already ousted from one mayor-ship. Oh no, I may lose a few more… Maybe some of my “friends” may think I am stuck at the last checked in place for 3 days. Well, maybe not, no one came to rescue me…
  • No way to take down or record notes on potential blog posts. Missed opportunities!
  • Ran into an old friend while eating lunch on Monday. I did not have a way to just point and click – he has my contact information (and I get his). I felt pretty alone asking for a pen and paper…
  • Trying to locate a restaurant that you know the name, but just not the location. Search the web – get the directions or phone number to get directions.

 It has been a rough couple of days… I missed my smartphone…

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