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Cube Farm Etiquette

Maybe it is because I just got back from sabbatical or maybe it is just because the office area has more people around me.. But, I feel it is time to bring up a subject near and dear to most of our hearts – cubical etiquette.

Here are my basic simple rules that I would hope that we all can follow:

  1. All cell phones are put on vibrate. There are a number of you all that think those ring tones are special or cute. Well, for many of us – not so much. Please when entering the building – place the cell phone on vibrate. If you can’t feel vibrate, place on the desk next to you. I bet you will see it moving across the desk..
  2. Personal phone calls. Hey, we all have them from time to time. There is nothing wrong with them – just when the subject matter gets a little off base. I really don’t think you want to share some of the topics of you personal life with your cube farm mates. We are in a very open area… the walls have ears (and your voice carries).
  3. Loud talkers (and that goes for me!) we need to remember that there are people in the office area (besides ourselves). If you are going to be the main talker in a meeting or decision – well, try to get a room. If unavailable – well remember your voice carries. Please use you inside voice… For those that forgot or never knew what that is – six inches should be the carry distance. If they can not hear you on the call – more the mic closer to your mouth or change the batteries in the headset.
  4. Music in the office area to keep you focused is awesome, except when…
    1. If I can hear you music over the cube wall (and you are using your headset) – you have that volume a bit TOO LOUD. Please take care of your health, turn the volume down and save yourself from some hearing loss later in life.
    2. Singing along – please stop!
    3. Whistling, humming and drumming in your cube… Maybe it sounds awesome to you, but the rest of us – not so much (again). If you are ready for American Idol – great, but practice at home.
  5. Smells – We are in a confined space… We have to be very mindful of (and it is open to interruption):
    1. Food – smelling burnt popcorn and some leftovers are not good.
    2. Cologne or perfume – use in moderation.
    3. Kickin off the shoes… Please don’t.
  6. If you happen to be off for an extended period of time – SAC your phone, please!
  7. Be professional and remember to be respectful to your neighbors… We all are working!

For the folks in their cubes – that are having problems getting work done or having their frustration level reaching boiling point. You have every right to – politely ask for people to do the right thing. No need to get angry.. We have one person in our area that comes by and reminds us about the cellphone not being on vibrate – she does this politely. Some of us have labelled her the cellphone police… In a nice way. Only takes one ring and watch us all scramble to turn our phones to vibrate… I am loud, I know that and have warned my fellow cube mates. Told them – if I get too loud they can shhhhh me.. or ask me to take it down…. I am quite okay with that.

Remember to just be respectful in letting your fellow cube mates know – they may not realize it!

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Published inObservations


  1. Adding Walkie Talkies and Push to Talk cellphones… Those are no different than personal calls. In fact, I would say they are worse. The annoying sounds and static…

  2. These are a simple reminder of good etiquette that can be used in almost anywhere during our day to day lives. There’s just something about the upbringing of a person that is the center of the cause of deviating from the proper conduct.

  3. Drsherw Drsherw

    How about people who don’t or won’t use a tissue or OTC meds to stop snorting and making loogies in the office?  Geez….

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