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Thursday’s Thought

This past week has been filled with ups and downs. I have spent plenty of time discussion the election and the presidential candidates with lots of people. Some of the discussions have been outstanding. Lots of other ones, well, like me put it as nice as I can… not so good. As I look back on the week and the past months, I have found a few things that I believe that all of us should think about quit doing…

  • Trying to please everyone! Don’t spend your time attempting to do that. There are always going to be people that in no way you can please. I have come across during my time helping this election, that we have some very passionate people out there. We also have a lot of HATE out there. Spending time trying to please a hateful person is just a waste of time.
  • Fearing change! We all think we want change, but in fact we rather fear true change. Some folks will argue that they don’t fear change. They will even go as far as to say, they embrace change. I have been around those folks… They deep down fear change. In today’s political climate – change is not going to happen. We are still being fed the red or blue pill and the same old messages. At work, folks will be told that change is good for you, just wait. Do you really want change?
  • Living in the past! The good old days… We have heard plenty of all the good (or bad) things folks have done in the past. Trying to tell us that they are going to bring back the good old days. Those days are long gone.. How about using that history as a toolbox of experiences to improve today and the future? No talk, just action…
  • Overthinking! From experience, I know I do it… I also have seen plenty of people that don’t. It is a waste of time to overthink stuff. It also does not add value to what you are doing. If you watch the Cubs/Indians World Series – the managers did some overthinking out there. Sometime it is just best to trust your gut and go for it. Think enough, but not too much…

Just some observations and gut feelings that I have from my experiences the past 30 days or so!

Image via – Copyright: robodread / 123RF Stock Photo

Published inObservations

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