Fall Break To Do List

Fall Break College Prep To Do’s

Fall break is a great time to take some time off and focus on your college preparations. With the regular school year underway, finding time to complete many of the additional activities for seniors sometimes gets lost! Fall break is your savior, if done correctly. Below are some of the best ways to utilize your fall break.

Study for Your Last ACT or SAT

If you’re applying to college under Regular Decision or Regular Action, the last chance to take the ACT or SAT is quickly approaching. To maximize your remaining study time, particularly if you’re targeting a higher score, consider taking a practice test during your fall break. This is an ideal time to identify areas needing improvement and to solidify your strong points.

Bounce College Ideas off Family Members

Family members often wish to discuss and collaborate on your college selection. The fall break presents an excellent chance to gather insights from loved ones. Consider consulting them about potential essay topics, their views on your prospective major, or their impressions of the colleges you’re considering applying to. They might suggest an ideal essay topic you hadn’t considered or recommend a school that would be a valuable addition to your list of college applications.

Ask Family Members for College Tips

Family members can be an invaluable resource when reviewing your college application. If they have attended college, they can provide tips on what to expect and insights into the application process. If they graduated from a school you’re applying to, they can offer valuable perspectives on campus facilities and professors, even if some aspects have changed since they were students. Additionally, family can provide support and advice to help enhance your application.

Set up your Attack Plan to meet deadlines – University and Scholarship Applications

Fall break is brief, making time optimization crucial. It’s an ideal opportunity to concentrate on your college essay. However, if your break is filled with family activities, travel, or household chores requested by your parents, it might be challenging to dedicate attention to your essay. In such instances, use any available time to tackle those smaller tasks on your to-do list. You could:

  • Complete college application forms
  • Jot down notes for your essay
  • Research scholarships – Get the Money
  • Write out your list of activities and accomplishments, or some other little job you need to finish in the coming months.

In Summary:

You must use your time wisely. University applications are the first and best use of your fall break. Setting up an attack plan of how to pay for your schooling should be second on your list! No high school commitments! Of course, that does not mean that there won’t be other commitments, but at the very least you need to get stuff done. Deadlines for Early Action/Decision are usually late October to mid-November! January 1 is the regular application deadline. Staying on top of your deadlines is your responsibilities as a young adult! Make it happen.

1 Comment

  1. […] are you managing your college applications? The deadlines are fast approaching! October is essentially the final month you have to keep track […]

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