How’s Application Season Going?

How are you managing your college applications? The deadlines are fast approaching! October is essentially the final month you have to keep track of the impending deadlines for your submissions. Balancing this task with other competing priorities can significantly affect your capacity to finish and submit on time.

How about a few helpful tips and tricks:

  • Divide the entire application process into manageable sections and establish realistic deadlines for each part. The Common Application consists of numerous sections. Tackling the application in segments might be beneficial. For instance, finish the demographic and activities sections before starting the essays. Complete the essay – then start working on the additional individual college requires. Keep in mind that recommenders and counselors need to complete parts of the application as well, so allow them sufficient time. Set your interim deadlines with the final due date in mind and work backwards to ensure timely completion of the application.
  • Allocating time to finish your tasks is crucial. Without setting aside specific periods to sit down and work, you’ll likely end up procrastinating and increasing the stress on your workload.
  • Ensure you save all your work in a Microsoft Word or Google document! A significant portion of your work is reusable. You can save time by not repeating tasks you’ve already completed. Hint, the work you do for your applications can often be repurposed for scholarship applications too!
  • Ensure you follow up with your support team to confirm they are addressing your needs effectively. Your recommenders and counselors are essential allies. Reach out to them to check on their progress and inquire if they require anything from you.
  • It’s wise to submit your application ahead of the actual deadline. I’ve seen several students procrastinate until the very last moment. Consider the possibility of your internet service or personal equipment failing during that final hour.

From experience application season is stressful. It is the first step and needs to happen before moving on to scholarship season (which has started already too). If you need assistance – just reach out!

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