
High School is Back – Welcome Freshmen

Some high schools have already started. Each week more and more students will be heading back to high school. For freshmen, this is a big step that comes with nervousness and anxiety. Seniors are making that first day of high school for the last time! Juniors are coming in thinking they are getting closer to the end but have plenty of worry for their toughest academic year. Sophomores are just looking forward to the fact that they are not the new kids on the block anymore.

For their parents, there is the excitement of sending them back to school. The summer is over, and they can get back to their normal routine. Freshmen parents are filled with the same level of nervousness and anxiety as their students. Are they going to be, okay? Are they going to do well? How can we help them? They are growing up, they need to take responsibility and accountability, is it too early? The questions are endless.

Freshmen year is important. When building a house, you have to start with a strong foundation! 9th grade is the start (or foundation) for the next 4 years. Starting off by building a strong foundation your freshmen year will ensure that all opportunities are available.

I shared with all freshmen students, how to start off with a solid foundation. What are some of those key elements to that foundation?

  • Grade Point Average: The best advice that I received when I was going into high school or college was to make sure that your first GPA be strong. I recommend that each student should attempt for a 3.5 (out of 4) or better! Being an excellent student is step 1. Demonstrating the ability to learn will take you far.
  • Start asking the question – “what do I want to do when I grow up?” Having a clue early on helps to make sure that your academic classes fit what you are attempting to achieve. How many times will the answer change? Often! Just keeping that question and selection in mind – will help with part of the path that you will need to travel.
  • Get Involved: Building your story is important! The more experiences you obtain will help add to that story. Getting involved in extra-curricular activities like sports and clubs are a great way to learn and grow as an individual. Volunteering in the community is another important step to growing. Being active in the community allows for networking opportunities and testing out your career choice. If you volunteer in the area of your potential career choice – you can validate your choice to stay or find something different. Either way – your resume will grow!

I used to ask the seniors I worked with, “If you go give any advice to your freshmen self what would it be?”

Here are some of the common answers:

  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Students either wait until they are in trouble or don’t ask at all.
  • Get involved. For many taking that first step is the hardest. Many of the seniors told me they wait until there junior year to start. They would make sure that if they had to do it over again, they would get involved earlier. The memories, friendships, and rewards were many!
  • Be a better friend. Drama is everywhere, don’t get sucked up into the drama. Watching out for each other should be for everyone.

These are exciting times! Important times! Make sure you are building a strong foundation.


  1. […] building a house the prep and foundation is the first step. An important step. How you build a strong foundation for your high school career will set you up later on. If […]

  2. […] There is no right or wrong answer, if you choose to have a job while attending high school – there are more benefits. How you communicate your “story” is the key! […]

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