Playing the game of LIFE

Why Hire Me to Assist?

Why hire a private college consultant and career counselor?

Cost of Attending College

The cost of attending college is on the rise with an annual tuition growth rate of 8%. In 2023 the average cost of college for one year per student is $36,436. The average cost of a private school is $55,840 and state school is $27,091. 

A private college and career coach can determine what types of colleges are best suited for the student ensuring money put towards tuition dollars is a well-researched and planned investment.

Start College with a Career Direction

80% of students change their major at least once with the average student changing their major up to three times. This can cause loss of course credits resulting in loss of money, time, and motivation.

A private college and career coach can provide a clearer career direction heading into college. This will help avoid multiple major changes that can cause stress and loss of money for both the students and the parents.

Avoid Transferring Schools

One-third of all college students transfer to at least one different college before graduation. This causes the student to lose course credits, time, and money. Only 41% of students graduate in four years and only 62% graduate in six-years due to transferring or multiple major changes.

A private college and career coach assists in figuring out which college and programs are a good fit for the student from the beginning. Making it less likely the student will want or need to transfer ultimately saving additional cost associated with transferring schools.

Keep College and Job Applications on Track

60% of people quit in the middle of filling out job applications. Nagging your child or having your parent nag you to complete your college and job applications can cause a lot of stress and be annoying.

A private college and career coach can be the nag saving you time to spend together as a family or doing other things that need to get done. Let the college and career coach keep the student on track.

In summary, selling oneself is not a skill that I totally possess. The part that I do understand is that the experiences that I possess in this space is invaluable. I have spent 3+ years learning, experimenting, trying new things, and building up a strong network. If you need anything – just contact me!

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