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Dealing With Trolls and Critics

The past month, I have volunteered to help out on the social media team for Presidential candidate Gary Johnson. It has been interesting to say the least. Got to love the internet. Everything is cool until it gets contentious.  I have had a few situations that have made me sit back and focus on my mission.

This election has definitely helped increase the negativity, criticism and abuse online that is reaching record levels. Emotions run high. It sometimes is easy to get sucked in when your senses get offended.

Don’t do it!

I have a some guidelines that I have learned over the years from both personal and professional experience.

Is a response warranted. There are some things that need to be ignore… This includes the “trolls” posts, rants or degrading comments. Just don’t feed the beasts – it is a waste of time.

Misinformation – correct it. Provide facts in response! Keep the emotional out. It is hard sometimes to not get emotional, especially when the comments are personally attacking you. Always take the high road, you will feel better.

Don’t be defensive. Focus on positive outcomes and moving the situation forward. Definitely, the hardest thing to do sometimes.

There is a time to walk away. I have been in the middle of name caller and personal attacks. When you have tried your best to communicate rational information or you are in the middle of a heated or ugly string – you need to say – you have done your best and walk away. Just let it go!

You have to remember that you will not change anyone’s mind, but you can educate. You are helping folks to open up and learn something or learn about someone that they don’t know much about. With today’s short news clips – especially when the news fails to report pass the sound bite they want – you can help people get the complete story.

Just remember your mission!

Image via – Copyright: artshock / 123RF Stock Photo

Published inObservations

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