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Good Day or Bad Day?

Early in my ca28442551_sreer, I attended a seminar that was centered on helping us deal with ourselves. It was about choice and what happens when we pick a choice.

Simple story: I think a few folks can relate to this. Have you ever just decided to purchase some flowers to bring home to your significant other? No particular reason. It is not a birthday, valentines day or anniversary – just a normal every day day. How were the flowers received? Did you hear, “what did you do wrong?” or “thanks they are lovely” or something like those? Of course there are probably particular reasons for what is said, but it is a choice…

Are you having a GOOD day or a BAD day? It all starts by your choice of which you want. You get to choose what day you are going to have. Your attitude and how you pick to react will dictate which day you are going to have.

What helps?

  • Look in the mirror every morning and smile. Never hurts to smile at yourself… Then keep that smile going all day long. See people walking the halls, malls or streets – smile. It really doesn’t hurt to smile.
  • All day long we will run into situations or have something come our way. Make sure to look for the good in every situation. Staying positive will help keep your GOOD day going.

When you run into a negative person (and you will) you just need to remember the two keys above – Smile and look for positives… Spread your smile and positive thoughts. Maybe the negative person will ask, “why are you always smiling or why does this stuff not bring you down?” All you need to say is, “it is my choice!” Maybe, just maybe this person will get it – it is their choice too.

Photo via – Copyright: / 123RF Stock Photo


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