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There Still are Plenty of Awesome People in the World

I have to say that this past week, especially Thursday evening, restored my faith in my fellow man (or woman). I did some traveling Thursday and Friday. Something that I have not done in quite awhile because my employer has restricted travel to almost zero. I spent the past couple of days in the beautiful northwest; Portland, Oregon. Living in Arizona – travel to the cooler temperatures is a very welcome change. Enough set up….

While in Portland, a co-worker and I, decided that we were going to meet up with some other co-workers that we have never met face to face. We work on some of the same projects, but never get to “see” each other. They were already planning on attending Last Thursday in the Alberta Arts– so, we decided why not. We were running a bit late and parking was a zoo. The Last Thursday is basically in an older part of Portland. They block off a number of city blocks on Alberta. The area is largely residential – so, parking really was difficult. I found a spot! From the time that I set the lock till we were coming back to the car – I must have dropped, left or whatever else the keys. It was at night and very dark – with a whole lot of people. Panic was setting in. My first thought was I left them on the table at the restaurant. Well, that was not the case. So, we decided to head towards the car, figuring maybe just maybe, I dropped them on the way to the restaurant. While walking, I got the number to Hertz customer service and was on hold when we made it to the car.

Here’s where the story really gets good, no great. Someone – found the keys and used the alarm to find the car. The best part was – they left the car unlocked, with the keys sitting on the front seat! Is that awesome or what? Wait the story gets even better. Because I picked up my co-worker at the airport, her suitcase and laptop bag were in the trunk. I opened the trunk to see that both were sitting just as they were left… There was no note or anything for me to follow-up with a thank-you.

I have to say I was completely blown away. The evening was pretty good to start. Wondering around the arts and eating dinner with folks that we have not physically met, but have worked with – seemed like a very solid evening. Thinking at 10pm that our evening was going to get flushed because of me and the keys – not a pretty thought. When we found the keys sitting in the car (and everything left as is) – well, the evening became a superb one. I just had to write about it.

Does anyone else have a story like this one – that they would like to share? Please do…

BTW – if the awesome person (or group of people) are reading this – THANK YOU!

Published inObservations


  1. Darrin D. Darrin D.

    Great story — these are the people I hope to meet in the next life and say thanks. I’d love to watch movie of seens like this each day in the world. They happen. I took my family snow skiing and once lost my keys — all these visions of being stuck w/out a spare key — how to get home, etc, etc — were running through my head. Someone turned them in — I don’t know who. I’m thankful they found them in the snow and turned them in – both a blessing.

  2. A solid night it was, but wow! That is insane. Portland has a real lack-of-asshole, for lack of a better description, that still surprises me after three years living here. It’s one of many things that I’ll miss. I suppose the next step now is: pay it forward. 🙂

  3. @Jeremy – it was great meeting all of you (and your families).

    @Darrin – Not that I don’t believe that those activities (acts of kindness) do not happen – but they just don’t get the air time – like the bad. I truly wish that the news would have a segment (everday) that reminds us of the good in the world as well.

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