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Book Review: Do The Work by Steven Pressfield

This weekend I finished up reading Do The Work” by Steven Pressfield. I follow the Domino Project and saw this when it first came out. Do the work is definitely an eye catching title, especially for those of us that are kicking off several projects. So, I downloaded the book for my Kindle (unfortunately, the book sat waiting on me to clear my backlog of reading). Once I dove into reading the book, I truly enjoyed it. This is my kind of book. Short, direct and bold. This book is a wake up call for creative people. So, if you think you are a creative person, this one is for you.

I really enjoyed most, that the book addresses nagging and lonely thoughts that we all have about the resistance. Anyone who creates anything struggles with resistance. Presssfield refers to that resistance as a “dragons.” You must slay the dragon in order to move on with what you are trying to ship.

This is a very short book! Much like my book review. Go ahead and download it and you should be able to read it in an hour or two. So, if you are stuck in your project, business or whatever you doing… Then get this book, it will help you.

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